Food Security and Livelihoods is the sector in AWI which objective it is that people are able to feed themselves and their family. Although agriculture is a main element in food security, many people in East Africa have moved to urban areas and therefore new and innovative ways of improving food

production and income are necessary. A family with a steady income source will always be able to buy the food and AWI therefore has a value chain approach in its development work. By involving an entire chain of production (for example cows -> milk /meat -> milk processing/butcher -> shops/hotels) rather than focusing on one aspect of the value chain, bottle necks in supply or demand can be removed, leading to more (job) opportunities in that sector.
Apart from the value chain approach in development, AWI also is active in the live saving humanitarian support. AWI can do food distribution but also cash for work, direct cash, food for work and many other types of interventions. The direct link that AWI has with the grassroots community allows AWI to target the most needy people withing a society.